12h non-stop hacking 3rd edition, Glassfish BOF Participation - JavaONE 2009 will be great

Trains are great, but planes are even better for efficient development or just efficient work - just no distractions, except drinks and food. I took the first time several batteries with me to JavaONE 2007 - I had to complete some work. Last year, I did similar experiment and prepared not only slides, but hacked several proof of concepts. 

During the flight to New York City (Community East), I wrote two articles, one sample app and discussed with a (building) architect patterns and differences to software architects - it was also fun. 

This year I plan to enjoy the whole flight and completed the slides for Community West and even the java.net corner before the flight. I will use the time to hack Java FX app (GreenFire FX) during the flight. The skeleton does already exists - I plan to demo the app it during my JavaONE session.

I was invited to the "BOF-1721 Meet the GlassFish™ Server Team" Thursday, June 04, 8:30 PM - 9:20 PM - I'm just an independent freelancer and not a part of the team - but thanks for the invitation! So now my Java ONE is really active, 1 Java ONE session, one Glassfish BOF, 1 Community West and a java.net.podcast.


Hi Adam,

i am so jealous...
i wasn't able to manage my first trip to JAVAONE this year. Hopefully i can make it next year.

So, good luck with your sessions an have a great time in the Bay Area..

Posted by Daniel on May 30, 2009 at 12:41 PM CEST #

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