2023 Spring / Summer: Upcoming Conferences, Streams and Workshops 📎
The 111th airhacks.tv will take place one week earlier, on may 27th (instead of June 5th). File your questions now: gist.github.com/AdamBien/a97ce552e3f784721dda8054ab1871f2
See you at these upcoming conferences and workshops:
Code Europe Conference: Dissecting Serverless Java on AWS
conference session Code Europe Conference Cracow 23 May 2023https://www.codeeurope.pl/en/agenda
InfoShare: The Java Shorts Animation Show: 100 Snippets in 40 Minutes
conference session InfoShare Gdansk 24 May 2023https://infoshare.pl
Code Europe Conference: Keynote: Dissecting Serverless Java on AWS
keynote conference session Code Europe Conference Warsaw 25 May 2023https://www.codeeurope.pl/en/agenda
InfoShare: The Future of Java in the Cloud and on Premises
conference session InfoShare Gdansk 25 May 2023https://infoshare.pl
online: AWS Java Bootstrap
[online event]
airhacks.live workshops 15 Jun 2023https://workshops.adam-bien.com/aws-java-bootstrap.htm
Jcon Europe: "Serverless" Is What J2EE Was Meant To Be
conference session Jcon Europe Cologne 20 Jun 2023https://2023.europe.jcon.one
online: Cost Driven Architectures with Java on AWS
[online event]
airhacks.live workshops 22 Jun 2023https://workshops.adam-bien.com/aws-cost-driven-architectures.htm