adam bien's blog

A Day At GeeCon Or With Java FX in Cinema 📎

The GeeCON Java Conference was really nice. Because of the current project load I was only able to spend few hours in Krakow. The venue surprised me - it was a huge multi-cinema (multikino).

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 I gave the first session at friday - about Java FX. I decided to concentrate on the language itself and not the animations and effects. I tried to emphasize the differences to Java and skip the basics - 50 slides loaded with Java FX code. I got many really good questions about Java FX during and after the session. The session was well attended - it seems like there is lots of interests about this topic.

Kudos to the organizers - a nice, good organized conference in a beautiful city. I met some old friends from all over the world ...and: "I escaped the Browser!"

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See you at JavaONE - in process of extending GreenFire FX.