adam bien's blog

Boring Enterprise podcast 📎

An podcast conversation with Elder Moraes (@elderjava) about Java EE at JavaONE, why Java EE at all, enjoying boring stuff, Java EE for pet projects, thinking freely about business problems, no distractions, servlets and JSPs, Java as career choice, Jakarta EE opinions, Oracle's Java EE stewardship, Java EE 8 being late, Jakarta EE should remain boring, Jakarta EE and profiles, an idea for a Jakarta EE profile creation process, Eclipse Foundation and agility, the pace of MicroProfile, thoughts on Cloud Native, Java EE in Cloud Native environments, Sebastian Daschner and successful Java EE careers, Java EE impact on startups, ES 6, TypeScript, thoughts on serverless, future of Jakarta EE, JVM overhead and microservices, GraalVM and Nashorn, JavaONE vs Oracle Code, Java EE 8 recipes in the Java EE 8 Cookbook. Checkout:, GitHub and @elderjava.

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