adam bien's blog

CommunityOne East (New York City) Afterglow 📎

CommunityOne East was actually a lot better, than I expected. Especially the cloud talks were interesting. These talks were given by speakers from companies like RightScale, Eucalyptus (it's actually not a company, but especially interesting), salesforce, or Google. Even the general session (it was recorded) was informative and technical. Sun presented the "Private Virtual Center", which allows you to model the whole data center only and through REST APIs (they should be truely RESTFul because of Tim Bray :-)). Sun Cloud should be available for general public at JavaONE.

During the reception (=free beer) I met some old friends, furthermore I discussed the Sun Glassfish WebSpace Server (previously WebSynergy),, JavaFX, and Glassfish v3.  I met some nice guys from the New York JUG as well. Now I'm looking forward to CommunityOne West and especially JavaONE.