EJB 3 - Dead Or Alive ...very alive, See Quickvote Results

JavaMagazin, one of the biggest, German Java related magazines, started an online survey (quickvote)  with the question EJB - Dead Or Alive. The result really surprised me:

Quickvote: [freely translated by me, here the origin]

EJB - Dead Or Alive?

I'm using EJB 2x. (8%)


I'm using EJB 3. (58%)



I don't use EJB and "pure" Web-Stack instead (Tomcat & Co.). (12%)



I don't use EJB and the alternative Stacks instead (Spring & Co.). (22%)



Participants: 1375 (at 19.08.2008)

What surprised me: the small percentage of EJB 2.X. In Germany there is still huge amount of EJB 2.0 projects. Most of them will be ported to Java EE 5 next time. The second surprise was the EJB 3 adoption. I'm using EJB 3 in several projects but the amount of 58% (in this context) is huge. I actually thought, the aggregated amount of the alternatives will be greater, than EJB 3 and 2 together, but the opposite is true.

Hopefully this survey was not sponsored by the "EJB-Mafia" :-). So if you would like to keep your job and learn more about EJB 3 start here :-).


Thanks, Adam, for the posting.
Yes, I think the results are quite surprising, too. Even if it's "just" a quick vote, the numbers are impressing. That means for us: we are going to emphasize more on EJB topics on http://JAXenter.de and in Java Magazine.
By the way: there's a new quick vote online today. We are asking for the future of OSGi ;)

Posted by Sebastian on August 19, 2008 at 01:09 PM CEST #


then: the future of Enterprise Java With EJB 3 is bright! :-).

Regarding OSGI: it is important to separate the concerns of the vendors from the developers.

thanks for the comment!,

Posted by Adam Bien on August 19, 2008 at 01:18 PM CEST #

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