adam bien's blog

Glassfish Could Become The Killer Portal Server - Project WebSynergy 📎

I'm following the development of the Liferay portal server, for several months (if not years) now - it is one of the more pragmatic - and so usable portal solutions on the market. LifeRay is opensource, the code is clean and understandable - nevertheless the documentation could be still improved (as always :-)). Liferay is really impressive, it comes already with FaceBook, openSocial integration, different themes are already available -  PHP is already integrated as well. ...and it is JSR-286 compliant. At the JavaONE 2008 Sun/Liferay initiative was announced - the glassfish-synergy is already available for download. Liferay Portal 5 is bundled with Glassfish v3 TP2 - you have just too extract and start it, wait a minute and go to http://localhost:8585/  its worth (login with: and paul). It comes with some nice widgets...

An except from the announcement:

"...The common codebase will be managed by the Liferay community with Sun as a committer and governance board member of the project. Over the past 6 months, Sun and Liferay have worked together to incorporate Sun's OpenPortal Portlet Container 2.0 (JSR286), Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP), and JSF Portlet Bridge projects into Liferay Portal. Over time, Liferay Portal will incorporate additional OpenPortal technologies such as Mirage CMS, Simple API for Workflow (SAW), and other projects that Sun and Liferay are planning..."

Some resources:

I posted about 2 years ago already an entry with similar title: "Glassfish could become the killer appserver for Java EE 5...", a kind of deja-vu :-). See you at Jazoon (I'm preparing the slides now :-))!.