Glassfish v2/v3 and Real World Java EE Patterns @JavaONE 2009 - Free Sessions

My CommunityOne session is now scheduled:

 ID#: S303893 

Title: Two Years of GlassFish™ Application Server in Development and Production . . . and Still Excited? 
Track: Server-side Platforms 
Date: 01-JUN-09 
Time: 01:40 PM - 02:30 PM 

Room: Esplanade 301

I will try to objectively explain, why I almost exclusively used Glassfish v2 in my Java EE projects. I will try to repeat the Community EAST style - few slides lots of demos and walk-throughs. 

At Thursday, at 12:00 AM I will give a podcast in CommunityCorner

 Title: Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices 


The complexity and bloat often associated with Java EE are largely due to the inherent complexity of distributed computing; otherwise, the platform is surprisingly simple. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 actually consists of annotated classes and interfaces that are even leaner than classic POJOs; it would be hard to find anything more to simplify. Nonetheless, (mis)use of Java EE can lead to bloated and overstated architectures. I would like to discuss the essential ingredients of a lean service-oriented architecture (SOA), then explain how to implement one in Java EE without compromising maintainability. I'll start by describing aspects of SOA implementation that lend themselves to procedural programming, then discuss domain-driven (aka object-oriented) design. The patterns and best practices will be explained with Java EE Patterns vs. some J2EE anti-patterns. The discussion is based on 

My JavaONE GreenFire FX was approved as well - really looking forward to this conference. Glassfish Unconference will be interesting as well...


Hi Adam,

wir sind auf Atlassian Summit dann J1... da treffen wir uns ja sicher.


P.S. guck mal:

Posted by Thomas Landgraf on May 29, 2009 at 08:25 AM CEST #

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