GreenFire 4th Prize at JAX Innovation Award and Audience Award - and the answer to a most FAQuestion  - "the pure Java EE 5, intelligent heating regulator" won the 4. prize (1000€) and Audience Award (1000€) - what is a nice surprise. However, I spent already the money - ...and donated it to "Doctors Without Borders". So hacking Java EE 5 is not only good for the environment, but other stuff as well :-). The event at the JAX was really nice, I'm already looking forward to my RIA and Java 6 update 10 Session and Pragmatic Java EE 5 Workshop tomorrow (Fiday 24.04).

The question "Is GreenFire heating system dependent?" and "How is it possible to integrate a heating system?" was asked several times. The whole heating system is abstracted by just one interface (in the HeatingControlIntegration project - it is already checked-in):

public interface ParadigmaAccess {

    public float getExternalTemparature();
    public float getInternalTemparature();
    public float getTPU();
    public float getTPO();
    public float getTWO();
    public int getTagesGewinn();
    public float getMomentaneLeistung();
    public float getTWU();
    public float getTSA();
    public float getTSAMax();
    public int getGesamtgewinn();
    public void setHeatingMode(HeatingMode mode);
    public HeatingMode getHeatingMode();
    public void close();
The implementation of the class is the "driver" and actually heating dependent. In my case it talks via a COM-Interface with the heating. The COM-Interface is the maintenance port of the system. Most of the modern heating systems have such an interface. I will clean up the interface in the next time (and translate the method names to english). If your heating has a  COM-Interface as well, you will be probably able to reuse some communication code as well. ...stay tuned for updates. 



Posted by Geertjan on April 24, 2008 at 07:20 PM CEST #

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