High Performance Glassfish

I'm asked over and over again by my customers whether glassfish is stable and scalable enough for real world projects. Although in my experience it is the case (there are of course some bugs, but I do not know a bug-free appserver :-)), I searched for a more reliable source to answer this question. What I missed was the post "Bragging Time: 883.66 JOPS@Standard on GlassFish V2". This post was also well commented by Scott Oak. It seems like glassfish outperformed BEA these days, however the difference was rather small. Such small performance differences actually doesn't matters in an average real world project,  however it is a good reference to the customers.
Also interesting are the results. Even the settings for the JVM were publishes - which is interesting for the practice :-).


I heard BEA has now created its own small version of OS on which its Java engine will run faster. How correct is this news?

In that case, WebLogic will outperform GlassFish.

Posted by WebLogic on August 17, 2007 at 09:29 PM CEST #

You may be referring to Weblogci running on a hypervisor. In that case, I don't think performance is the #1 benefit from virtualization.

Posted by Alexis MP on August 19, 2007 at 06:53 PM CEST #

Hi Weblogic, (your first name is funny, I suppose your last name is 10 :-))

In my opinion: in the practice small performance differences actually doesn't matter. In fact no one of the project I know would change an appserver, because another has a slightly better performance.
In my opinion the robustness and stability is the key point. Official performance tests with published results are important for the adoption of "new" appservers like glassfish. From my perspective it is interesting and noteworthy, that free opensource appservers are able to compete with commercial ones.
However, the virtualization of WLS is a really interesting idea in general. Why not to use the JVM without operating system and gain performance? Actually we have already the first example in the embedded space, see: www.sunspotworld.com :-),

thank you for your comment,

Posted by Adam Bien on August 19, 2007 at 09:04 PM CEST #

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