adam bien's blog

I asked: "Do You Love EJBs?" @Devoxx and... 📎

...I'm still alive :-). Actually I was surprised during my short "task force" at Devoxx by several things:

  1. The interests about EJBs and the amount of attendees. My session: "EJB 3.1 From Legacy Technology To Secret Weapon" was the very last one ...and the THX-cinema :-) was almost full.
  2. The questions during the session. People ask me stuff like: "Is it better to go with WebBeans instead of EJBs?"
  3. The immediate feedback afterwards. I got immediately several emails with statements like: "I attended your presentation during Devoxx08, and I confess it was a relief to figure out it was not just me using EJB instead of ..."
Devoxx was a great experience. I'm planning to spend more, than 4 hours next year at that conference :-).