JavaOne 11 Technical Keynote Notes

  1. The keynote started with a nice "Code Hard" video.
  2. Comparing to last year the number of attendees and the space was doubled.
  3. Azul and SAP joined openJDK
  4. Java FX 2.0 GA is available. Preview is also available for MacOSX
  5. NetBeans 7.1 Beta is available
  6. Early JDK 1.9 ideas were shared: self-tuning, native integration, big data, reification, tail calls/continuations, mop, multi-tenancy (...)
  7. ...and #oracle likes : NoSQL
  8. Project #nashorn (the German translation of "Rhino") is announced. Oracle's JavaScript re-implementation on JVM.
  9. GlassFish was previewed to by able to deploy Paas application

The keynote exceeded my expectations. It was well done with humor, interesting technical content and really well attended.


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