Killing The Bloat - Pragmatic Java EE 6+ Architectures For The Web - Speaking At WebTech Exchange in London

I'm already looking forward to the WebTech Exchange conference in London. It is going to be interesting. In my session I would like to explain (actually show with working code), how efficient Java EE 5 / 6 can be as a backend for Wicket, JSF, or even REST-based integrations like JavaFX.


I think I read that applets (JavaFX) can also use remote EJBs instead of web services to talk with a back end.

Posted by Ryan de Laplante on February 07, 2009 at 05:11 PM CET #


yes - it is true. You can use whatever you want. EJBs, however, use JRMP or in standard case IIOP, what can be challenging for pure webapps. For intranet applications direct communication with EJBs could be the easiest strategy,

thanks again!,


Posted by Adam Bien on February 08, 2009 at 11:12 AM CET #

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