Leaving Clouds, Java LTS, CQRS, TDD, JAX-RS and AutoCloseable, Lambda Limitations, Dependencies and Updates-108th airhacks.tv

The 2023.3 / 108th edition of airhacks.tv with the following topics:

"Flutter / Dart opinions, splitting read / writes, Leaving Clouds, Http Client, Liskov Principle, JAX-RS Response and AutoCloseable, monolithic AWS Lambda limitations, Update Strategies and Quarkus":

...is ready to watch:

See you every first Monday of the month at https://airhacks.tv 8pm CET (UTC+1:00). Show is also announced at: meetup.com/airhacks.

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Any questions left? Ask now: gist.github.com/AdamBien/ab8b773336a30dd543af03b62c4a2a0d and get the answers at the next airhacks.tv. Some questions are also answered with a short video: 60 seconds or less with Java: youtube.com/@bienadam/shorts


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