adam bien's blog

Live Java EE 6 Hacking JavaOne China / Beijing 📎

I reused the three slides from JavaOne San Francisco and re-submitted them to JavaOne Beijing. The talk was accepted:
Session ID: 2767
Session Title: The Feel of Java EE 6: Interactive Onstage Hacking
Session Schedule: 12/15/10
Time: 15:30 - 16:15

I intend to implement a small Java EE 6 application using a vanilla NetBeans 6.9.1+ with Glassfish v3+ and explain as much of Java EE 6 as possible (REST, EJB 3.1, JPA, Bean Validation, CDI, JSF and some best practices).

See you in China! My three slides are already in the translation process. I'm already curious how "hacking" looks like in Chinese on slides :-)