Migrations, Transactions, Retries, Long URIs, JPA, JSON-B, HTTP/2--102nd airhacks.tv

The September edition of airhacks.tv with the following topics:

"J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE migration projects, NetBeans vs. VSC, custom Bean Validators, JPA and JSON-B data mapping, fault tolerance and retry-able transactions, HTTP/2 use cases, too long URIs"

is ready:

See you every first Monday of the month at https://airhacks.tv 8pm CET (UTC+1:00). Show is also announced at: meetup.com/airhacks.

Any questions left? Ask now: https://gist.github.com/AdamBien/877ce9c05f8eaeaf1dda2ba2df7eddd0 and get the answers at the next airhacks.tv.


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