Netbeans 6.5 Is Out - And I'm Not Very Excited [RC 2 was too good...]

I installed Netbeans 6.5 (with EE) and migrated all configuration from 6.5 RC2. Some observations:

  1. The performance seems to be better. At least after a fresh installation.
  2. The SQL-explorer was greatly improved, comparing it to 6.1. Especially pagination, auto-completion and "in-place" updating the database.
  3. STRG+I is really useful. Especially the "Recent Searches" saves me a lot of time. The first access is a bit slow...
  4. HTML and CSS editors are working surprisingly well. CSS comes even with usable preview. I use both in all my web projects. Is especially useful for Wicket development.
  5. Diff functionality is great. Just right click on the tab and "Diff to".
  6. Deploy on save works really good with Glassfish v2 and v3 Prelude. I used it in my current Wicket project. The only shortcoming: changes in HTML-files are not recognized.
  7. EJB 3, JPA support is good - everything is working as expected, some functionality moved from a menu to the Alt-Insert pop-up which is a good thing.
  8. I didn't used Netbeans for Groovy development yet in commercial projects, but the Greenfire's configuration was immediately recognized.
  9. The UML support works and is nice. I just miss the component / deployment diagram. It was (in 6.1) really useful.
  10. The performance under Vista is good, but I had the chance to work for few days with NB on Ubuntu - it was lightening fast...

So why I'm not excited? The problem is: the RC2 was too good. I didn't have any major issues. It just worked. Next time Sun Engineers should artificially slow down the RCs and remove it in the final version :-). And I still miss EJB 3.1 support for GF v3 prelude. It's not just me - I'm asked over and over again about this feature.



you have missed the point of what release candidates are for. As the name says, a release candidate is a _release_ candidate; in other words: if it's good enough, it should be ready to be released as the major version. A release candidate is not a beta version with lots of buzz and almost-working features, it's a version that's been given out to public to ensure that it meets the requirements just as well as the major version should do.

Posted by Steve on November 24, 2008 at 10:17 AM CET #

Adam, you sir are an idiot.

Posted by Anon on November 24, 2008 at 01:55 PM CET #


you are right. But: I was a little bit disappointed with RC1. It worked, but I had some issues. RC 2 was just perfect. I'm using NB 6.5 now and it just works as RC 2 - I'm overall satisfied with NB 6.5 - GREAT JOB,



Posted by Adam Bien on November 24, 2008 at 02:23 PM CET #


thank you for your constructive comment :-),



Posted by Adam Bien on November 24, 2008 at 02:23 PM CET #


your post is in conflict with your title. Title gives a negative impression on Netbeans 6.5, but post is all positive.

Posted by Josko on November 24, 2008 at 03:08 PM CET #


Netbeans 6.5 RC 2 was just too good - this is the only problem :-).

...I will have to change the title then :-)

Posted by Adam Bien on November 24, 2008 at 03:27 PM CET #

Hi Adam, regarding "changes in HTML-files are not recognized" - this is interesting, we thought this worked correctly. Anyway, I filed a bug report on your behalf, it would be great if you could provide some more specific information:


Posted by Petr Jiricka on November 24, 2008 at 04:37 PM CET #

I was going to comment on the HTML auto-deploy too. It works for me and should work for HTML files just as well. Maybe a browser refresh issue...

Posted by Alexis MP on November 24, 2008 at 05:26 PM CET #


The problem is that your English is not good enough. Your English writing style is buggy and not smooth at times. If you improve your English your blog will be more interesting to your readers. Plus, your blog posts are not as rich as informative as one would expect from an architect. Most of them can be summarized in 150 words or less and posted to Twitter instead.

Also your blog's theme is a little bit ugly and distractive. Try to find a top-quality theme for your blog.


Posted by AnonyMoose on November 24, 2008 at 06:53 PM CET #

Hi Ano,

I'm migrating now from "legacy" templates too the new roller stuff. This is the problem with the inconsistent look and feel.
My only problem is: lack of time. I'm using my blog as a scratchpad and have not enough time to write more sophisticated articles. I write some articles as well just check out:



Posted by Adam Bien on November 24, 2008 at 10:23 PM CET #


from my perspective the HTML "deploy on save" problem is rather a feature request, than a bug in my case. The problem is: I'm working with Wicket right now, and Wicket maintains the HTML files together with java files in the "source packages" and not "web pages". I assume that NB doesn't expect HTML files in the source folder... I tested the behavior again with NB 6.5 - it seems not to recognize the changes...,



Posted by Adam Bien on November 24, 2008 at 10:28 PM CET #


why your names are so strange? At least drop me an email with more constructive criticism :-)

Posted by Adam Bien on November 24, 2008 at 10:29 PM CET #


I don't know. Sometimes I prefer to stay anonymous :-)

I just checked out your JavaWorld article. That was sure a great architect-level article :-)

Hope to see your blog posts' quality get on par with your articles :-)

Best wishes,
AnonyMoose ;-)

Posted by AnonyMoose on November 24, 2008 at 10:41 PM CET #


this article was not about architecture, just basics. But wait for the follow-ups, and the book :-).

This is just a weblog - I misuse it for brainstorming and experiments. But: I will try to keep the next entry more technical - looking forward to your criticism.

regards && thanks,


Posted by Adam Bien on November 24, 2008 at 10:47 PM CET #


I do appreciate your Blog posts. I like the simplicity of your thoughts on the Java platform.

Don't take it to seriosly when someone complains that English is not our mother tongue - a decent native English speakere will appreciate we're able to speak English at all - their German is usually next to impossible to understand.

Hence: cheers and keep up abusing this Blog with your Gehirnsturm :)


Posted by m@rcus on November 26, 2008 at 10:23 AM CET #

Hi Adam,
I tried netbeans 6.5 under Ubuntu, too. It is lightning fast... without the Visual Editor!

regards Elmar

Posted by Elmar Brandt on November 26, 2008 at 10:53 AM CET #


RE: Language

Marcus is absolutely correct about your ability to speak/write/understand English. I am continually amazed at how many people whose native language is not English grasp this language. I'm not a language expert, but in the limited study of other languages that I've done, English is a mess. I know it can't happen, but I'd like to scrap the whole thing and start all over. So to anyone who has struggled to understand and communicate with the English "language", kudos!

Phillip [my real name :)]

Posted by Phillip Koebbe on November 27, 2008 at 05:09 PM CET #

Hi, I only want to know if I can to migrate whole Netbeans 6.5 including all the plug-ins that I have instaled it to the new Netbeans 6.7. Thanks a lot!

Posted by Charli on June 18, 2009 at 12:19 AM CEST #

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