Netbeans 6.5m1 - accidentally in production for two and half weeks...

Since my last post, I forgot to switch from 6.5m1 to 6.1 and used the 6.5m1 accidentally for all my projects (about 13 project groups, about 100 different projects). It worked surprisingly well for almost three weeks, ...without restarting (I just hibernate my notebook, instead of rebooting it). Just after the comment regarding anti-aliasing I recognized, that I actually working with milestone. Some observations:

  1. Anti-aliasing seems not work; in my case it just looks different - I thought it is a feature and not a bug :-).
  2. I installed new Glassfish instances, restarted Glassfish, redeployed different Java EE 5/6 applications (EJB 3, JPA, Rest, SOAP) several (hundred) times - it was rock solid, no issues so far.
  3. Free-form web projects work just well. I imported an already existing web projects and used external ant to build it. It worked just well.
  4. As I switched back to 6.1 for a training - I noticed that 6.1 seems to be a little be slower, than 6.5.
  5. The Ctrl+I search is really useful. It actually searches for commands and is able to execute them. However it searches in the open files either, and combines it with "Go To Type". Pretty useful. You can just open a "missed" file, or deploy an application without knowing where the command / menu / toolbar actually is...
  6. I switched back to 6.5m1. It works fine so far.
Disclaimer: In the last time I worked on the server. I only used the Visual JSF Editor, and a little bit of Matisse. I do not know, how stable the UI / RCP stuff is right now...


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