Netbeans 6.8m1 - The (lightweight) Java EE 6 IDE

  1. The installation is smooth and quick. In few clicks you get installed Netbeans 6.8m1 with Glassfish v2 and v3
  2. Glassfish v3 startup with EJB 3 container and Java DB takes about 5 seconds.
  3. Java EE 6 is supported natively - Singleton, Stateful, Stateless Beans directly from the wizard.
  4. web.xml is optional. You can deploy Servlets 3.0 with annotations only.
  5. No-interface Session Beans are recognized correctly. You can inject Session Beans into a Servlet - even with the Alt+Insert / Ctrl+I combination
  6. A new WAR-deployment of a Servlet with injected no-interface view Session Bean took 3.5 seconds.
  7. JavaServerFaces 2.0 with facelets are supported - without visual editor, but with visual flow editor.
  8. Hybrid EJB 3 / RESTful-resources were correctly recognized and deployed.
  9. Redeployment of a Session bean takes: 535ms:
    INFO: Portable JNDI names for EJB StatelessFacadeBean : [java:global/Test/StatelessFacadeBean, 
    INFO: Loading application Test at /Test
    INFO: Deployment of Test done is 535 ms

I'm impressed - going to switch my current Java EE project from 6.7.1 to 6.8m1. If you need some projects to play with go to:


"Glassfish v3 startup with EJB 3 container and Java DB takes about 5 seconds."

On a 300Mhz Pentium III? ;-)

Posted by on August 04, 2009 at 12:25 PM CEST #

No - on a 486 machine from a floppy :-).

On MacBook Pro with 2 other netbeans instances and VMware running concurrently. On a desktop it should be even faster :-)

Posted by Adam Bien on August 04, 2009 at 12:33 PM CEST #

I think the Glassfish guys should really work on integrating embedded Glassfish into Maven.

Once you get used to working with the embedded Jetty plugin in Maven, it's hard to even think of anything else.

Posted by Jacek on September 09, 2009 at 04:30 PM CEST #

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