Oracle Fusion Middleware Strategy Is Very Interesting For ...Glassfish

In the Oracle Fusion Middleware announcement / webcast, the strategic positioning of WLS was announced. WLS will migrate from openJPA / Kodo to TopLink / EclipseLink - the same persistence layer as Glassfish v2 / v3. This makes Glassfish even more interesting for migration projects right now. Java EE 5 persistence is standardized with JPA, but there are still subtle differences, shortcoming and bugs in the available JPA providers. Having the same implementation in both containers reduces the risks and makes Glassfish v2/v3 very compatible with future versions of BEA...


Also WebLogic will or already does use GlassFish's Metro web services stack (JAX-WS, JAXB, etc) and the JSF RI

Posted by Ryan de Laplante on July 09, 2008 at 02:51 AM CEST #

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