OOP Session Transscript as (German) Article in Computerwoche "Building Dream Teams"

In January I gave my first "softskill" session about "Building Dream Teams" at the OOP conference in munich. One of the attendees wrote a German article about it in computerwoche. A short summary in English: "There are only two types of developers, those who enjoy programming, and those who don't"


and there are only to types of team members, those who enjoy working in a team and those who don't.

So in my opinion a good team member should love his work and like to work with others.

Posted by Simon Martinelli on March 22, 2009 at 06:31 PM CET #


exactly - in my theory :-) team work is just the result of the motivation. You can learn a lot from a team...

thanks && regards,


Posted by Adam Bien on March 22, 2009 at 07:29 PM CET #

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