Transactions, Scopes, Single Page Apps, Killer Servers, Complex JSON, Modularization Again--Questions For the 10th Airhacks Questions and Answers

Questions for the first 2015, but late show at Januar, 12th, 6 PM CET:

  1. Year 2014 Review and Announcements
  2. Introducing project headlands
  3. What are your overall “Java EE” favorites? (peter, via email)
  4. Which technology stack would you prefer to choose for an interactive single page mobile app? As JavaFX is not supported by Apple, I am currently experimenting with a hybrid web app technology stack: GWT, MGWT, PhoneGap. I evaluated Vaadin for this purpose, but integrating custom widgets into their complex architecture seems to be a real pain. Something like Java EE + Primefaces seems not be the first candidate for a single page app to me. What would your approach be? (Jens)
  5. What application server are you currently using for your new Java EE7 projects? Would you recommend GlassFish 4.1 despite the lack of commercial support, or is better to go with WildFly 8.2.0? Antonio
  6. What is your opinion about Project Avatar ( WurstFromHell
  7. Portable error reporting with JAX-RS 2.0 Benjamin
  8. How to map complex object strategies to JSON? Remko
  9. I would like to know what would be the best approach for modular JSF applications.

    Most of the existing examples consist in creating a jar, for web applications, where the resources are located in the META-INF folder, having unique named properties files, and using CDI to announce the module existences henry
  10. What about building enterprise systems made of multiple ears, whereas each ear is build as you described? Still, there are many issues not covered yet by appserver providers and JEE.

    (1) One example is that remote ejb proxies are not automatically recovered after deployment - custom proxy factories need to be implemented.

    (3) Another one is the communication between wars … there is actually no kind web client project type available to provide an API for JSF apps - needed to integrate apps at different WARs (for EJB jars we JEE provides client projects…).

    (3) Another aspect … how to develop single EARs with one or more teams/team members? How to hide parts of sources to subcontractors, but ensure deployability?

    From my perspective, development of integrated service landscapes with JEE is still a challenging and not that easy as many hello world example show … that’s why - hope to see more of really real-world enterprise patterns here and also provided by next JEE versions! Andreas Freier
  11. I would like to have something like:

    @Inject @Any private Instance providers;

    Where ‘ServiceRemote’ is a @Remote interface, and there are multiple implementations deployed in different EARs.Chris
  12. I was looking at the Arunja implementation of TransactionSynchronizationRegistry in JBoss and get/putResource works by accessing the resource from the transaction object. You state that this mechanism is independent of TLS, but how does the container get the TSR in the first place, so that it can inject it, if it doesn’t do it using TLS? Ant
  13. Today I saw some code were a @SessionScoped bean was injected into a @Stateless

    EJB.Up-to-now my understanding was that such a constellation will lead to
    unpredictable behavior, since the stateless EJB is not stateless anymore.After googling that topic I figured out that may people stating, such a
    constellation is absolutely valid.I can’t believe that’s true. How is this working?

    Do you have an advice for me? Juergen
  14. Can you please explain how to configure hazelcast as a distributed cache on multiple servers? Eyal

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Hi Adam,

Can you please explain how to configure hazelcast as a distributed cache on multiple servers?

Posted by Eyal on January 11, 2015 at 02:29 PM CET #

Hi Eyal,

your questions is going to be the #14. That an easy one,



Posted by Adam Bien on January 11, 2015 at 07:58 PM CET #

Securing a Java EE REST Application - OAuth setup seems complicated, Http Authentication seems simple - how secure is it, is passing an authentication token for each request a good approach? What are other options assuming none Java clients may access the secure Java EE REST

Posted by Betrand on January 12, 2015 at 07:48 AM CET #

Hi Adam,
why is your latest book not available as an ebook? Will there be one in the future? I don't like to buy physical books anymore, they are too heavy :)
ps:great contribution to the community - congrats!

Posted by Patrick on January 23, 2015 at 07:07 AM CET #

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