Spring Java EE Events Without Spring

  1. Java EE 6 Patterns And Best Practices Workshop in Hamburg, 27.02.12 - 29.02.12, Seats are still available
  2. Real World Java EE Bootstrap, Airport Munich, 12.03.2012. Already sold out. Next date: Monday, July 9th, 2012 at Munich Airport
  3. JaxDays London, Workshops: Java EE Essentials and Java EE Effective, Productive and Scalable 2nd and 3rd April, 2012, London Victoria Park Plaza
  4. Free JUG Event in Düsseldorf, 20.03.2012: Ivory Towers, Overengineering, Bloat - …or what Java EE really is
  5. JAX Conference Frankfurt, Java EE Workshop (16.04.2012) and 3 Java EE Sessions (17.04.2012)


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