Underworld, Greenfire, Java EE 6, EJB 3.1 and RIAs ...going to JavaONE 2008

Finally my session TS-4864 Java™ SE 6 and Java EE 6 Platform the Operating System for Interactive RIAs, Friday May 09 13:30 - 14:30 was scheduled. It is the second, extended part of the last year's, fully "booked", session with the short title "Java 6 Platform, Java DB, Swing, JNLP/WebStart, Java Persistence API (JPA)/Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3: The New "Operating System" for Rich Internet Applications". The fedback was interesting :-). I will try to answer all the remaining questions which I got via email and my blog. Beyond that I will actively participate in the following BOFs:

  • BOF-4984 The Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE Platform) Community Discussion
  • BOF-5753 Enterprise JavaBeans™ 3.1 (EJB™ 3.1) Technology (JSR 318) Community Discussion

I'm especially looking forward to the java.net minitalks. I will introduce http://greenfire.dev.java.net (Java EE based heating control) as well as http://underworld.dev.java.net (Java EE backend for wonderland.dev.java.net which I develop together with my brother) in the java.net community area. Both will be published as podcast as well.


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