Upcoming Java EE 6 "Kill The Bloat" Workshops

  1. Java EE 5/6 Patterns in Hamburg (26.04-30.04.2010) - some (3-5) places left
  2. 60 minutes with Java EE 6, 04.05 at JAX conference - this should be fun. I will hack a Java EE 6 application in 60 minutes on stage. Still no idea which one - but suggestions are highly appreciated. I will use Java EE 6 - and so less slides, than last year for explanation (Java EE 6 is even simpler, than Java EE 5) :-).
    *After the session*, we will discuss Java EE 6 / EJB / JMS etc. features, problems and workarounds during the "open space" part at the JAX conference. Watch the table "Weightless Beans" in the Ballroom.
  3. Simpler is Impossible. From UI to Integration Layer with plain Java EE, 03.05.2010 (at JAX Conference)
  4. End 2 End Java EE 6 in Munich (07.06-09.06.2010) - this one is almost sold out

Caution: we spend usually more time in the IDE, than with slides (reason: slides don't crash :-)). I tend to explain stuff with code. I also usually have > 100 slides prepared - for warm-up purposes :-).
I will probably offer another workshop in autumn - because of current (Java EE 6) project / request load, I'm still searching for a free slot.


I might visit you talk at the JAX (2.) (although the GPars talk look interesting too). What IDE will you use?

Posted by Markus Knittig on April 13, 2010 at 02:36 PM CEST #


I'm not sure yet. The easiest possible choice is still NetBeans - but we have 60 minutes and so enough time to...:-)

You could also attend the other talk and join our "Weightless Beans / Schwerelose Bohnen" table,



Posted by Adam Bien on April 13, 2010 at 02:42 PM CEST #

Well, not surprising. It's not that important anyway...
I will sure visit 'Prozesse, Theorien, Mythologien - ...oder "Vernunft-driven Design"?'. Really interesting topic looking forward to hear you take on this.

Posted by Markus Knittig on April 13, 2010 at 03:18 PM CEST #

hm, your "Simpler is impossible" workshop on Jax's Monday is on the same time (day) as Ed Burns' "JSF 2" one....

Both very interesting for anyone developing JEE 6 web apps - I wished I could have attended both.

Posted by Matthias Paul Scholz on April 14, 2010 at 12:53 PM CEST #


you could either implement cloneable: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/Cloneable.html
(what is tedious and problematic), or try to serialize and deserialize yourself into a byte[] with ObjectInputStream / ObjectInputStream. After the workshops you should be able to merge your identities :-)

enjoy JAX!,


Posted by Adam Bien on April 14, 2010 at 02:15 PM CEST #

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