AWS Lambda: Exposing Java (Corretto) / MicroProfile HTTP / REST Service via Function URL without Gateways or Application Load Balancers with CDK 📎
With Lambda function URLs you can directly expose an AWS Lambda, without REST / HTTP API Gateway or Application Load Balancer.
An AWS Lambda function:
import software.constructs.Construct;
public class QuarkusLambda extends Construct{
static Map<String, String> configuration = Map.of("message", "hello, quarkus as AWS Lambda");
static String lambdaHandler = "";
static int memory = 1024; //~0.5 vCPU
static int maxConcurrency = 2;
static int timeout = 10;
IFunction function;
public QuarkusLambda(Construct scope,String functionName) {
super(scope, "QuarkusLambda");
this.function = createFunction(functionName, lambdaHandler, configuration, memory, maxConcurrency, timeout);
IFunction createFunction(String functionName,String functionHandler, Map<String,String> configuration, int memory, int maximumConcurrentExecution, int timeout) {
return Function.Builder.create(this, functionName)
public IFunction getFunction(){
return this.function;
Can be directly exposed via a generated URL with:
var quarkuLambda = new QuarkusLambda(this, "airhacks_lambda_gretings_boundary_FUrl");
var function = quarkuLambda.getFunction();
var functionUrl = function
CfnOutput.Builder.create(this, "FunctionURLOutput").value(functionUrl.getUrl()).build();
In this 6 minute screencast I refactored a Lambda from HTTP API Gateway to use Function URL directly:
The example in the screencast is based on the Quarkus / Lambda template: