adam bien's blog

Early 2019: Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Sessions, Workshops and JUGs 📎

Early 2019 Jakarta EE / MicroProfile events

  1. MUC Airport Workshop: April 2nd, 2019: Java EE 8 / MicroProfile Bootstrap [registration]
  2. MUC Airport Workshop: April 3rd, 2019, Effective Java EE 8 with MicroProfile [registration]
  3. JUG Prague Session: April 15th, 2019, Kickass Backends in 2019 with Java EE and MicroProfile []
  4. InfoShare Conference, Gdanks, Workshops and Sessions: May 7th and 8th, 2019: "Pedal to the Metal" with ThinWARs and Java Backends #noslides #usetheplatform" [info]
  5. JAX Conference Mainz, Sessions: May, 9th, 2019: "Patterns, Structure or Chaos in 2019 #slideless" and "60 Minutes Hacking with Java EE, Jakarta EE und MicroProfile #slideless" [link]