adam bien's blog

Free Java EE 6 Workshop - For Students In Bonn 📎

I will give a workshop - almost without slides, spending the majority of the (3h) time in the IDE (NetBeans this time, IntelliJ is also possible, but we will have definitely no time for the installation of all the nice Eclipse plugins :-)). It seems like this workshop is free for students.

We will have 3h for develop something in Java EE 6 - its more than enough. We will need 10 minutes to install the IDE, application server and database (double-click on the installation of NetBeans 6.8 "Java Edition":-)) - then we can start. So I will probably, in addition to the abstract, implement and explain testing, mocking, integration tests, batch processing, CDI, JMS and probably connectors and refine the JSF 2 view.

Also looking forward to the SDC conference in gothenburg - unfortunately I can only spend few hours in this nice city. There will be no time for a porter...