adam bien's blog

How To Find / Print Out Netbeans 6.1 Key Bindings 📎

Eclipse developers, who try out Netbeans 6.0/1 are often confused by the different key bindings. Netbeans comes already with a nice overview of the shortcuts. You can access the document via:  Menu (Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts Card). It is a pointer to a PDF-document - so you will have to have e.g. the Acrobat in the path. The document is stored in the folder: \[Netbeans_Installation]\nb6.1\shortcuts.pdf.

All the shortcuts can be easily printed out. What's interesting as well - you could change the default bindings to Eclipse / Emacs / Netbeans 5.5.

This feature is available from: Menu (Tools -> Options -> Keymap). Just change your prefered bindings from the "Profile" drop-down. The Eclipse-bindings were incomplete and partially wrong in the past. However this was corrected - and is available as a patch for Netbeans 6.0/6.01.