adam bien's blog

In 2008, JavaFX-Script could take off 📎

JavaFX Script is kind of underestimated. Most demos I saw look awesome, but they try to imitate Flash and Co. Beyond the remarkable 2D capabilities, Java FX Script is even interesting for "casual" business applications. Concepts like "binding" and "lazy binding" (comparable to PropertyChangeListener implementation in Java, but hidden behind one single keyword), triggers (or the end of getters and setters), seemless and very easy (no overhead) integration with Java and declarative composition of UI makes Java FX Script really interesting for the realization of MVC or Model View Presenter apps with a fraction of code (compared to Java).

Behind the scenes Swing Components are mostly used, so actually the "bleeding edge risk" is relatively small. You can still switch to Java - your application would look exactly the same. Even the animations can be seemlessly backported to Swing - but of course with more overhead. The tool support for Java FX is actually surprisingly good. E.g. the Netbeans Plugin already supports code folding, autocompletion, syntax highlighting etc. Even first graphical designer are already available.

Shortly before christmas an interesting Key-Frame extension (even more DSL) togehter which additional interesting demos were introduced. This should make the creation of interactive rich internet applications even easier.

However to be successful in the web designer space a visual Java FX designer for eclipse or netbeans would greatly help. But: who knows what happens at the next JavaONE?:-)