adam bien's blog

Memory Footprint Of Java EE Servers On Docker -- And What Is The Difference To "Hello World"? 📎

What is the memory (RAM) consumption of Java EE application servers: WebLogic, WildFly, WebSphere Liberty Profile, TomEE and Payara Server comparing it to a "Hello World" Java SE application running in a Docker container?

In this screencast I started the application servers and measured the RAM consumption of the entire docker image, the OS, JVM and application server included. The application servers were used with various JVM heap settings, so the results are not directly comparable, but are good enough for an estimation.

See docklands for the docker images used in the workshop. Each application server was started with deployed ping app and nano -- the Java 8 / Nashorn HTTP Server was used as "Hello World" reference.

See you at Java EE Workshops at Munich Airport, Terminal 2 and particularly at Java EE 7 Microservices.