adam bien's blog

mockend v0.0.3 introduces Server Sent Event (SSE) support 📎

Server Sent Support (SSE) was added to: mockend, the "mock backend" for Single Page Applications (SPAs), with the v0.0.3 release.

CRUD operations like e.g. curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/crud" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"message\":\"hello, mockend\"}" are mirrored as SSE events. The events are emitted via the URI curl -N http://localhost:8080/sse as e.g.

: crud-events
event: crud-event
id: 1620452701200
data: {"httpMethod":"POST","path":"/","payload":{"hello":"world","id":"1620452701199"}}    

Also in this release common curl commands were added to the startup screen as hints.