adam bien's blog

Netbeans 6.5 Is Out - And I'm Not Very Excited [RC 2 was too good...] 📎

I installed Netbeans 6.5 (with EE) and migrated all configuration from 6.5 RC2. Some observations:

  1. The performance seems to be better. At least after a fresh installation.
  2. The SQL-explorer was greatly improved, comparing it to 6.1. Especially pagination, auto-completion and "in-place" updating the database.
  3. STRG+I is really useful. Especially the "Recent Searches" saves me a lot of time. The first access is a bit slow...
  4. HTML and CSS editors are working surprisingly well. CSS comes even with usable preview. I use both in all my web projects. Is especially useful for Wicket development.
  5. Diff functionality is great. Just right click on the tab and "Diff to".
  6. Deploy on save works really good with Glassfish v2 and v3 Prelude. I used it in my current Wicket project. The only shortcoming: changes in HTML-files are not recognized.
  7. EJB 3, JPA support is good - everything is working as expected, some functionality moved from a menu to the Alt-Insert pop-up which is a good thing.
  8. I didn't used Netbeans for Groovy development yet in commercial projects, but the Greenfire's configuration was immediately recognized.
  9. The UML support works and is nice. I just miss the component / deployment diagram. It was (in 6.1) really useful.
  10. The performance under Vista is good, but I had the chance to work for few days with NB on Ubuntu - it was lightening fast...

So why I'm not excited? The problem is: the RC2 was too good. I didn't have any major issues. It just worked. Next time Sun Engineers should artificially slow down the RCs and remove it in the final version :-). And I still miss EJB 3.1 support for GF v3 prelude. It's not just me - I'm asked over and over again about this feature.