adam bien's blog

Summary: Public getters and setters should be considered as an antipattern. 📎

Public getters and setters should be considered as antipattern. Or more precisely: 95%-100% of all members should be completely hidden.
I got 24 comments for my last entry about "evil" getters and setters. The conclusion is interesting. Everyone agreed, that getters and setters do violate the encapsulation and so could be a maintenance problem.

Of course accessors are useful in infrastructure frameworks like EMF, XMLBeans, java.beans.XMLEncoder/Decoder etc. The main purpose of such frameworks is to provide additional services (serialization, delta computation, XML-representation etc.) based on the internal state of an object. So Getter and Setters are the easiest way in this infrastructural area to access the data.

But in business/domain applications getters/setters are an antipattern. So considering the fact I extracted the following best practices to deal with JavaBeans:

  1. Do not use getters and setters in business objects.
  2. Infrastructural code like Value Objects (throw-away) should be separated from the realization of the business logic.
  3. Use object oriented style whenever possible, instead invoking series of accessors.
  4. not expose private state of an object using public accessors.
Now it is time to contribute some PMD/FindBugs-rules to search for "evil" getters and setters :-).