adam bien's blog

When Numbers Are More Important Than Quality 📎

The higher the bureaucracy in an organization, the higher the chance that your QA department is more interested in metrics and statistics, than in the actual software quality (also checkout "Quality Assurance Driven Development - And The Resulting Damage..." ).

Instead of writing unit tests for trivial methods (and enums, exceptions and default constructors of course), or write JavaDoc for getters / setters, you could use reflection to invoke as many methods as possible and use interesting frameworks which help you with tests results:

(...) Volkswagen uses a defeat device to detect when it's being tested in a CI server and will automatically reduce errors to an acceptable level for the tests to pass. This will allow you to spend less time worrying about testing and more time enjoying the good life as a trustful software developer. Big thanks to: Dominik Schlosser @dmn1k

JAutodoc is able to create comments for all methods and classes. Unfortunately there is no general AI involved, therefore no additional information is added to the output. However: the JavaDoc coverage metric will improve significantly:

JAutodoc is an Eclipse Plugin for automatically adding Javadoc and file headers to your source code.(...)
JAutodoc - Eclipse Plugin Big thanks to: Jan Schäfer @JanSchfr

In the screencast below I'm using a useful Chrome feature "local overrides" to modify the code coverage without any additional efforts:

See you at Java EE Workshops at Munich Airport, Terminal 2 or Virtual Dedicated Workshops / consulting. Is Munich's airport too far? Learn from home: