Jigsaw is Enough, Future of Enterprise Java, Too Late For Java EE 6 and Crazy J2EE ...with Spring - or - The Best Of March

  1. Jigsaw / JDK 1.7 will be the solution for 80% of the modularization challenges (31317 views)
  2. Future Of Enterprise Java ...Is Clear (Java EE with/without Spring and Vice Versa) (24908 views)
  3. Java EE 6 Is Nice, But It Is Too Late.... (17792 views)
  4. How To Kill An OSGi Project - With 10 Questions (14766 views)
  5. Crazy J2EE World - With Spring On Top (12695 views)

and:  458663  direct requests  (best result ever, February was 352961),  88500 RSS reads (best result ever, February was 77397) and  39845  atom reads (best result ever, February was: 31476)

Daily Avg. Visitors  9316 (February  7831) (best result ever)

Total Visitors  288818 (February  219295) (best result ever) 

Total Hits:  1038403 (February  747509) (best result ever)

Thanks to all visitors not only for reading, but especially for commenting and feedback (>3.5 comments per post on average and emails) - March was by far the best month ever.

Jigsaw in JDK 1.7 / EJB 3.1 Timer / Useful Object Pooling - or The Best of February

  1. Jigsaw / JDK 1.7 will be the solution for 80% of the modularization challenges (14327 views)
  2. Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 Timer (8072 views)
  3. Object Pooling Can Be Still Useful - For Entirely Different Reasons (5792 views)

and:  352961  direct requests  (best result ever, January was 340926),  77397 RSS reads (best result ever, January was 71788) and  31476  atom reads (best result ever, January was: 27417)

Daily Avg. Visitors  7831 (January  7199) (best result ever)

Total Visitors  219295 (January  223174) (wasn't the best ever result, but February was a short month...) 

Total Hits:  747509 (January  768332) (wasn't the best ever result, but February was a short month...)

Sun - Oracle / Java FX Composer/ Java EE 6 For Lazy Developers - Best Of January

  1. Snorcle? (12817 views)
  2. Java FX Composer / Designer for NetBeans 6.8 - First Smoke Test (8678 views)
  3. Java EE 6 And The JCP Stuff - Perfect For Lazy Developers (8312 views)

and:  340926  direct requests  (best result ever),  71788 RSS reads and 27417 atom reads (best result ever)

Daily Avg. Visitors  7199 (December  7142) (best result ever)

Total Visitors  223174 (December  221405) (best result ever) 

Total Hits:  768332 (December  746258) (best result ever)

Although this blog went offline for two days (12. - 13.01) January was the best month ever. The reason for the outage was hardware failure (RAM or/and power supply). New hardware is waiting for opensolaris 2010.03 :-).

Best of 2009 - Most Popular Posts (Dead DAOs, Bloat Without EJBs, Java EE vs. Spring, VOs vs. DTOs)

  1. January: In The Age Of DRYness - Do We Really Need Naming Conventions For Interfaces? (11288 Views)
  2. February: DAOs Aren't Dead - But They Either Collapsed Or Disappeared (9565 reads)
  3. March: What You Can Build In 50 Minutes With Java EE 5/6? (25942 views)
  4. April: Lean service architectures with Java EE 6 - And EJB 3 in particular (4304 views)
  5. May: Netbeans 6.7 Beta + Maven = Heaven (more than promising) (11697 views)
  6. June: Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book And Project (15456 views)
  7. July: Lean Java EE 6 Without Spring And Spring 3.0 In Java EE 6 World: Summary and Conclusion (eJug Session) (16203 views)
  8. August: Value Object vs. Data Transfer Object (VO vs. DTO) (15928 views)
  9. September: Why Oracle Should Continue To Push NetBeans (18974 views)
  10. October: (JSF + JPA) - EJB = Bloat (17436 views)
  11. November: Two Amazing NetBeans 6.8Beta Features (8877 views)
  12. December: Java FX Composer / Designer for NetBeans 6.8 - First Smoke Test (15276 views)

The views above are monthly results - not overall views. The actual number should be much higher. RSS/Atom-Feed results are not even included in this statistic. The daily average ranged from 4.5k - 8k. 

The stats for the year 2010 are more than promising. February is already the best month ever. Thanks for reading and especially the constructive 2.5k (!) comments. 

Top 5 Posts Of November - NetBeans 6.8, Sudden Death of Enterprise Projects, Jigsaw And Java EE 6 Kilobyte Deployment

  1. Two Amazing NetBeans 6.8Beta Features (8877 views)
  2. Sudden Death Of Enterprise Projects? (6379 views)
  3. Modularization (Jigsaw), Multi-Catch And Probably Closures Will Make Into JDK 1.7 (5093 views)
  4. Fire And Forget. Without JMS. With EJB 3.1 and 8KB WAR File (4405 views)
  5. Java EE 6 Kills The WAR-Bloat - The KiloByte Deployment (4225 views)

and:  326041 direct requests ,  74519 RSS reads and 22659 atom reads (best result ever)

Daily Avg. Visitors  6946 (October  7236)

Total Visitors  208407 (October  224329) 

Total Hits:  680652 (October  775886)

In November I was a lazy blogger - so it wasn't the "best month ever". It was still twice as good, as last year. December and January are looking great again - so good, that I had to optimize the stats process.

Best Of October - JSF Without EJB = Bloat (17k), JSF 2 with NB 6.8 (10k), NB Features (7k)

  1. (JSF + JPA) - EJB = Bloat (17436 views)
  2. JSF 2 + JPA 2 + EJB 3.1 Scaffolding With Netbeans 6.8 in 3 Steps - And The Code Is Even Usable (10118 views)
  3. NetBeans 6.8 m2 - Some Cool + Lightweight Java EE 6 Stuff (6972 views)

and: 376645 direct requests (best result ever), 83803 RSS (best result ever) reads and 21756 atom reads (best result ever)

Daily Avg. Visitors 7236 (September 7068) best result ever

Total Visitors 224329 (September 212058) best result ever

Total Hits: 775886 (September 789488)

Best Of September - Oracle And NetBeans (19k) And Java EE Or .NET (13k)

  1. Why Oracle Should Continue To Push NetBeans (18974 views)
  2. Java EE or .NET - An Almost Unbiased Opinion (13461 views)
  3. Sun And Oracle To Announce FlashFire (10938 views)
  4. Are Naming Conventions Still Needed For Abstract Classes? (8904 views)

and: 376645 direct requests, 83692 RSS (best result ever) reads and 21756 atom reads.

Daily Avg. 7068 (August 6858) Visitors (best result ever)

Total Visitors 212058 (August 212607)

Total Hits: 789488 (August 822450)

Best Of August - The Best Month Ever, VOs vs DTOs (16K) And Evil DTOs (10k)

  1. Value Object vs. Data Transfer Object (VO vs. DTO) (15928 views)
  2. How Evil Are Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)? (10837 views)
  3. Java The Most Popular Language - ActionScript Is Followed By Fortran And Cobol (9895 views)
  4. Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 / REST (JSR-311) Component (7668 views)
  5. Netbeans 6.8m1 - The (lightweight) Java EE 6 IDE (7339 views) 

and: 383037 direct requests, 74255 RSS reads and 22128 atom reads. 

Daily Avg. 6858 (July 6313) Visitors (best result ever)

Total Visitors 212607 (July 195718) (best result ever)

Total Hits: 822450 (July 791340) (best result ever)

Best Of July - The Best Month Ever, Java EE vs. Spring (16k) and Where Is M. Jackson?

  1. Lean Java EE 6 Without Spring And Spring 3.0 In Java EE 6 World: Summary and Conclusion (eJug Session) (16203 views)
  2. java.net@JavaONE: Which Programming Language J. Gosling would use now, except Java? (13002 views)
  3. In-Memory Java DB - Perfect For JPA-Unit testing (11608 views)
21. Was Michael Jackson A Java Developer With JSON Expertise? (4078 views) - I was just curious what happens. This post wasn't as popular as predicted - the experiment is closed now. However, the Jackson parser really rocks.

and: 382418 direct requests, 82258 RSS reads and 19758 atom reads (all best results ever).

Daily Avg. 6313 Visitors (best result ever)
Total Visitors 195718 (best result ever)
Total Hits: 791340 (best result ever)
...and the August looks even better (7144 visitors a day).

Thanks to all readers, especially for the great feedback! 

Best Of June - The Best Month Ever with Real World Java EE Patterns as Top Post (15k)

  1. Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book And Project (15456 views)
  2. First Glance At JBoss 5.1 GA Admin Console - And Glassfish v2.1 Comparison (5968 views)
  3. Generic CRUD Service aka DAO - EJB 3.1/0 Code - Only If You Really Needed (5204 views)
  4. Unit Testing EJB 3.1 ...When 0.8 Seconds Are Too Long [SOURCE CODE INCLUDED] (3917 views)
  5. How To Unit-Test EJB 3 ...in 0.8 Seconds [source code included] (3632 views)
and: 368493 direct requests, 82258 RSS reads and 15566 atom reads (all best results ever).

Daily Avg. 5249 Visitors (best result ever)
Total Visitors 157475 (March 09 was better)
Total Hits: 647276 (March 09 was better)

I didn't posted a lot in April and May because of the "Real World Java EE Patterns" book. These months are not as good as June. I will post the result in the next meta-post. However July seems to explode (around 9k visits a day) - will have to tweak the page a bit.

...the last 150 posts
...the last 10 comments