Upgrading from Roller 2.4 to 4.0 and to Glassfish 2.0 FCS - some hints

Roller 2.4 in the combination with JBoss 4.0.X  had a bug. I posted already about this phenomenon:  roller republished the posts, sometimes several times a day - without any pattern or strategy (a touch of AI). The availibility of Glassfish v2, Roller 4.0 RC3 and nice comments like "You could also stop posting this shit every day for a week on javablogs.com" :-) encouraged me to upgrade completely to Glassfish v2 as well as Roller 4.0RC3.

Roller 4.0RC3 is huge improvement over 3.1 - however the migration from 2.4 to 4.0 wasn't smooth:

  • The log4j.jar has to be copied to the [glassfish_home]/domains/domain1/lib/ext
  • I had to delete some indizes (approved and pending), otherwise the both statements would fail (in 310-to-400-migration.sql):
alter table roller_comment drop column approved;
alter table roller_comment drop column pending;
  • And finally the password encryption had to be disabled in the roller_custom.properties [passwds.encryption.enabled=false]
I hope the duplicates are gone. Glassfish V2 with Roller 4.0RC3 seems to be faster. I'm already looking forward to play with the monitoring capabilities.


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