igniter.fx 1.9.2 released--The Java 8 Edition

A new version of igniter.fx -- the maven "wizard" which creates a sample Java FX MVP application is released.

The 1.9.2 edition demonstrates afterburner's 1.6.0 capabilities like asynchronous FXML loading and view-dependent object injection.

Pane lightsBox;
LightView view = new LightView((f) -> red);

A passed constructor parameter (an int in the example below) can be conveniently injected into the presenter. Each presenter instance receives its own value:

public class LightPresenter{

    Circle light;

    int red;

See the full code: DashboardPresenter.java

igniter.fx is open source: https://github.com/AdamBien/igniter.fx

To create a an igniter.fx 1.9.2 maven project execute the following command from the CLI:

mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=com.airhacks:igniter

You can also clone the sample source code directly from: https://github.com/AdamBien/followme.fx.

followme screenshot

See you at Java EE Workshops at MUC Airport or on demand and in a location very near you: airhacks.io!


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